Friday, February 4, 2011

Illiterate or Alliterate

The topic today is LITERACY, something our community is totally lacking, as if we go to school everyday for 18 years for no reason at all. Yesterday I had a discussion with a very close friend that does not enjoy reading. Now,it is okay if reading is not your number 1 hobby, but many forget that reading is fundamental and now-a-days a privilege.

Millions of people jerk the meaning of illiterate and alliterate around with improper notation. According to Webster'S Dictionary illiterate is defined as unable to read and write or an illiterate group,having or demonstrating very little or no education. Webster then reveals the definition of alliterate as being capable to read but rarely CHOOSES to do so. That means we have the option we just dont exercise it.

So what are the reasons people despise written words so dramatically? Monique Alexander age 21, a former student of University of Maryland of College Park and currently a Pharmacy Technitian as her career,battled in words til her death to justify the real reason she chooses not to read stating "she just doesnt like too", or brushed it off with a simple "who cares", she even stated continuously that I could simply read to her. Meaning she would rather listen.

In reply to that, EVERYONE should care. If it were not for reading society would be lost. We would have no direction, no knowledge, or unable to retrieve information that keeps us safe. Yes, i kno the media is taking over your minds through pretty pictures and technology which has no neccessity for in depth reading, but a quick skim to retrieve only the important details.

Quick, fast and in a hurry is what society has developed into. We have become so busy that we don't stop to read a simple things like a street sign on the road or a book off of the shelf, but yet ask all types of questions.

Have you ever worked in retail and the store is having a huge sale and the costumer asks you "what are the sales today", as if the sales are not plastered in bright colors around the store. This is a perfect example of how we have become products of society, we would rather ask someonelse before finding out for ourselves.

Is it cool to lack observation of your surroundings being completly 'duh' about situations or is it lazy? Students have the opprotunity of recieving education and waste it by choosing to be alliterate. Instead of embracing their literacy, they encourage younger generations to become illiterate.

The cycle continues, until the cycle is confronted we will be robots caught in the headlights of a fast pace life, unable to appritiate moments until we wake up!

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