Thursday, February 24, 2011

17 Baltimore City Police Officer's Arrested.. How does the Community Feel?


Today the topic is: Are Baltimore city police officers really for protecting the people? Or do they pursue their career for self protection and benefit?

Yesterday morning 17 Baltimore police officers were arrested due to holding private relationships with surrounding Baltimore towing companies and are being accused of possible extortion.

Many Baltimore residents shake their heads in shame and embarrassment while our so-called responsible protectors are getting caught up in community mess. Instead of making situations easier for their residents, according to locals the police actually make things more difficult, and cause more problems.

What are the main goals of our police departments? It seems as though everywhere you go 'cops' are not labeled as residents favorites but we all know their job does not entail pleasing the people, it involves protecting and serving, or intervening situations so things do not escalate.

Speaking to some Morgan students many complained about negative incounters they experianced with Baltimore Police officers. "One day I was at home and a police officer came to my house and demanded for me to pass him the car keys because of a situation my brother was dealing with, I told him he needed a search warrent and he snatched the keys and left anyway." Totally violating by-laws and her rights.

Another student says, when it was snowing her car spun around and she slid into a guard rail, when she got out the car to get help, and Baltimore P.O drove slam past her without even a hesitation to turn around to help. Now thats not protecting or serving, thats driving by.

Question? If certain people did not make it a business of putting drugs on the street would it be a heavy commodity in our communities? We as a people suffer enough on a daily basis just to make ends meat, we dont need our so-called protecters screwing up, leaving the consequences for the community to reap.

If America wants things to get better, lead by example and keep a tight grip on the authority to set an example. Because by the looks of things hustlers are not the only one trying to make it.

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